Substance grinding with Dynamic grinding nanotechnology can be implemented in equipment of various capacities (from ten kilograms to tens tons per hour or more).
There are no solids, which can’t be grinded by Dynamic grinding nanotechnology.
Creation of industrial green technology systems for the production of nanomaterials with Dynamic grinding nanotechnology will provide economic benefits by:
Improving the quality of the final product is the main goal of any manufacturer. We create a separate machine for each material we grind to ensure that its purity will meet any of the customer’s requirements.
Mohs hardness |
Mineral | Chemical formula | Absolute hardness | Other minerals with similar hardness |
1 | Talc | Mg3Si4O10(OH)2 | 1 | Graphite |
2 | Gypsum | CaSO4•2H2O | 3 | Halite, chlorite, mica |
3 | Calcite | CaCO3 | 9 | Biotite, gold, silver |
4 | Fluorite | CaF2 | 21 | Dolomite, sphalerite |
5 | Apatite | Ca5(PO4)3(OH−,Cl−,F−) | 48 | Hematite, lapis lazuli |
6 | Orthoclase feldspar | KAlSi3O8 | 72 | Opal, rutile |
7 | Quartz | SiO2 | 100 | Garnet, tourmaline |
8 | Topaz | Al2SiO4(OH−,F−)2 | 200 | Beryl, spinel, aquamarine |
9 | Corundum | Al2O3 | 400 | Sapphires, rubies, tungsten carbide |
10 | Diamond | C | 1600 | Elbor |
To get started, we are ready to grind your sample according to your terms of reference. The substance should be pre-milled to 500 - 100 microns.
The technology we developed can grind materials and solids to the sizes from 0.01 microns (10 nanometers) to 10 microns, confirmed by the photos made by electron microscope. Due to the high surface energy of the particles, they easily aggregate into larger particles. Even after particles dispersion in the fluid in an ultrasonic bath they again form agglomerates in a short period of time.
This makes it difficult to perform a correct analysis of the particle size distribution. In this regard, we offer the following way of cooperation.
1. Potential customer provides us with the test batch of the initial product for grinding in amount which allows customer to perform all necessary tests.
2. We grind samples submitted by the customer in accordance with provided requirements and return the samples for testing. Customer specifies desired grinding conditions such as temperature, medium (gas or liquid), chemical composition and needed size of the particles.
3. After testing customer makes a decision whether to use our grinding technology in his technological scheme.
4. Then we discuss the product volumes and forms of cooperation.
Note: Pay attention to the measurement equipment for testing. Most labs are using analyzers that are not able to make nano dimensions.
Nowadays everybody knows what “nanotechnology” or “nano-sized particles” mean. Over the past twenty years nanotechnology has become a strategic industrial direction - more than 50 countries research and develop the field of nanotechnology, and at least 30 countries have their own national programs in this area.
Six Nobel prizes have been awarded for unique research results in the field of nanomaterials, nanotechnology, and nanoelectronics. According to estimates the development of nanotechnologies will change the twenty first century like atomic energy, the invention of the laser, the transistor, and the computer changed the twentieth century.
Today, nanotechnology is present in almost all areas of science and technology: physics, chemistry, materials science, biology, medicine, ecology, agriculture, and more. The scientific community estimates that the development of nanotechnology and nanosubstances will lead to the restructuring of all sectors of industrial production, lead to a new scientific technological revolution, and impact on the development of the social structure of society.
Nanotechnology is an interdisciplinary field of science and technology dedicated to the study of the properties of objects and developing devices with the basic structural elements of the dimensions of a few tens of nanometers (1 nm = 10-9 m). It is considered to assign everything less than 100 nm to the nanosystems industry. However, the system gets the prefix "nano,” not because its size becomes smaller than 100 nm, but due to the fact that its properties begin to depend on size. The macroscopic representation of the physical and physicochemical properties of the substance are invariant with respect to its quantity or size. However, this statement is true to a certain extent, that is, when at least one dimension in the length of the studied object becomes less than 100 nm. When nanoparticles form the system their properties differ either from the bulk phase of the substance or from the molecules and atoms they consist of. The basis of new achievements in nanoscale scientific and technological development is the usage of new previously unknown properties and functionality of material systems.
The first mention of the techniques, that later would be called nanotechnology, belongs to American physicist Richard Feynman in his famous lecture “here's Plenty of Room at the Bottom” in 1959. Feynman scientifically proved that there are no obstacles to produce physical objects directly from the atoms according to the fundamental laws of physics. He suggested that it is possible to move atoms separately, mechanically, using a manipulator of appropriate dimensions. For the first time the term "nanotechnology" was used by Japanese physicist Norio Taniguchi in 1974. He proposed to name production of nanometer-sized objects with this term. In 1986, the American futurist Eric Drexler published his book "Engines of Creation: coming Era of Nanotechnology” and the term nanotechnology has become known to the general public.
One should mention that there are at least two factors going along with research in the field of nanomaterials. Firstly, even at the beginning of study the possibility of realizing a high level of physical-chemical and mechanical properties of nanomaterials appeared. Secondly, these problems reveal a number of gaps not only in understanding the nature of the features of this state, but also its technological implementation.
In the transition from basic research to industrial processes that require not grams or kilograms, but tens and hundreds of tons of material with nanoscale particles, we often meet an insurmountable factor for their implementation which is high cost of nanomaterials. Therefore, the new technology of getting nanoparticles with low energy consumption and industrial scale will enable us to create a revolution in many fields of technology and production.
Nanostructured materials are largely employed in Composites, Coating, Particle Film devices, Catalyst, Biomedical, Electronic, Optical, Magnetic and Energy Industries due to the amazing features it exhibits.
Below are some of the uses of nanoparticles in medicine and biology:
The use of Nanoparticles in drug delivery systems has improved over the years. Some of the benefits associated with the use of nanoparticles as a drug delivery system are as follows:
Gold Nanoparticles and Carbon Nanoparticles have been found useful in new cancer treatment employing radio waves to heat and terminate cancerous growths, lymphoma, or metastasized cancer.
The primary cause of electronic failure is the inability to regulate the temperature of such products. It accounts for more failures than dust, humidity, vibration and all other destructive conditions. The lifetime of computer and video chips, LEDs, lasers, solar cells, and IGBTs containing products is greatly reduced as a result of the inability to keep product components at cool temperatures.
Enhanced with the knowledge of material interfaces and interaction at the nano-scale, a passive thermal management material has been invented that has been identified to be among 100 most significant product inventions. Through this revolutionary invention temperature regulation challenges that have plagued electronics producers over the years is now history. Many well designed electronics have failed as a result of heat accumulation, "hot spots" and breakages generated by temperature control challenges.
A material that surpasses the potential of orthodox passive thermal management materials has been created through the careful combination of low density, high thermal diffusivity, high thermal conductivity, and a low coefficient of thermal expansion (CTE).
Heat Transfer Material is a carbon-based metal nanocomposite (CAl) comprised of 80% carbonaceous matrix and a dispersed metal component of 20% aluminum.
In order to develop new products and promote science and technology we employ individuals to benefit from the special characteristics of nanoparticles. We offer nanoparticles can be obtained in adequate amount for both research and commercial. Please complete the Information Request Form to place order for nanoparticles or if you require more information.
The quantity of atoms present in grain boundaries or on surface of particles is comparable to those contained in the grain or particle interiors, new innovation of nanomaterials displays characteristics and performance like increased specific surface area and dangling bonds, extreme surface energy level and chemical and physic actions which vary to those of conventional microsize materials with larger particle or grain sizes. Such dimension is near to some of critical points of magnetic, optical, superconductivity, etc. The advantages of special features and performance exhibited are as follows, but are not restricted to:
Nano coal increases its calorific value in several times.
Using the nano coals not only cheaper, because you can use low-calorie coal. But it's a Green way of its combustion. With our technology you can use up to 50% less coal and 50% less CO2 emissions with the same calorific value.